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The best news this week was the reformation of one of the best indie bands of the 8's and 90's. That's right I'm talking about the Stone Roses. Who would have ever thought that this four piece would ever get back together? It was so cool to see Ian, John, Mani and Reni together on Tue
sday at the press conference. Two shows have been announced and ticketsgo on sale tomorrow. June 20 and 21 at Heaton Park in Manchester. There is plans for a World tour and to top it off, The Stone Roses are making new music. How's that for you!!! October 18th will be forever remembered as the day the Stone Roses reunited!!!
Tune in tonight for another edition of El Vagon Alternativo: ONLINE RADIO!!! You can listen to it at Start time is 9 pm (Eastern time, Euadorian time) 7pm (PAcific Coast time). 2 hours of the best in Alternative Music!!!
A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold.Ogden Nash (1902 - 1971)
: an imaginary land of great luxury and ease
Located on a secluded white sandy beach, the resort -- with its many amenities, including a first-class luxury spa -- is like a utopian Cockaigne.
"[Simon Patten's] particular genius was in recognizing capitalism's potential to realize something like a modern Cockaigne, the mythical land of plenty that beguiled the suffering masses in the Middle Ages." -- From Daniel Akst's 2011 book We Have Met the Enemy: Self-Control in an Age of Excess
DID YOU KNOW?The term "Cockaigne" comes from the Middle French phrase "pais de cocaigne," which literally means "the land of plenty." The word was first popularized in a 13th-century French poem that is known in English as "The Land of Cockaigne." According to an early English translation of the work, in Cockaigne "the houses were made of barley sugar cakes, the streets were paved with pastry, and the shops supplied goods for nothing." (It's this original Cockaigne that is referenced in our second example above.) Some have theorized that "cocaigne" derives from an earlier word related to "cake" or "cook," but its early history remains obscure.
So good to be able to write here again. Again I have been awayfor reasons of work and the fact that I am at face book page of EL Vagon Alternativo. I have been busy with work and I have found it impossible to be able to post frequently here. Now before you think that I may stop doing this, you think wrong. This blog will continue, so please continue visiting this page.Always Alternative,Edwin